• Task - Create, Manage and Run Unlimited Tasks

    Create and run unlimited tasks at the same time. Send unlimited emails super fast using webmail (Gmail.com & Outlook.com & Yahoo.com & Yandex.com & Yandex.ru & Mail.ru & Mail.com & Rambler.ru & GMX.net & Web.de) Send unlimited emails super fast using any SMTP account Customize your sending settings using 'TO', 'BCC' or 'CC' Seed email function - add your own email addresses so that you can monitor your inbox success rate.
  • Account - Perfect Account Management

    Manage millions of accounts for tasks Automatically categorize accounts based on status, such as valid, invalid, banned, blocked, locked, etc.
  • Template - Create Amazing Email Template Easily!

    Add unlimited email templates, so that you can run different campaigns at the same time. Create and send html email templates. Create and send plaint text email templates. Load csv files to create personalised variables in the email template, so that you can send emails such as: "Hi [name],". Supports the use of spun text to create unique subjects and bodys.
  • Settings - Proxy, Captcha and SMS Settings

    Supports unlimited threads for every task to send emails super fast. Auto-captcha solving solution support. Proxy support. SMS service support
  • Stats - Full Statistical Functions!

    Get realtime and full sending stats for every task (Sent, Left, Success Amount, Failed Amount and Speed etc.) Get realtime accounts status stats (valid, invalid, locked, need verify and blocked etc . Get email open stats. Lifetime free update.